Be prepared before an emergency happens. The information on this page will help you and your family be prepared in the event of an emergency and will provide information during an emergency. In a large-scale emergency situation, seek information from this page or our Twitter/Facebook page for updated information.
We encourage you to follow us on Twitter, as our preferred method of providing information, as it is easier for you receive notifications and follow the situation and for us to see information you share. Our goal is to ensure that you have access to the most up-to-date emergency information online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Emergency #hashtag List
We invite you to be part of the online conversation by using #hashtags to connect and share information about emergency response and prevention activities taking place within our community.
As a guide, we has compiled a quick list of emergency hashtags we will use in Shuniah.
Alerts and Bulletins
#Shuniah #ONStorm
#Shuniah #Flood
#Shuniah #Wildfire
#Shuniah (All other situations)